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Our work

The Virtual Institute is organised around 4 research themes that are key to the improvement of prognosis in patients with brain tumours.


– Imaging and tumour metabolism

– Developmental neurobiology

– Heterogeneity, recurrence, transformation and treatment resistance

– Brain metastasis


These themes network with our recently founded biorepository (Integrated, Clinically-Augmented Repository for Universal Sampling – ICARUS) and the development of an Integrated Cancer Medicine Neuro-Oncology MDT (MDT 2.0).


The MDT 2.0 will provide the link between clinic and the laboratory. This will enable patients to donate tissue and enter clinical trials therefore facilitating our clinical and scientific research priorities. Data from these clinical and scientific studies can then be fed back into the MDT 2.0 to improve patient care.

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Research themes


Clinical multi-disciplinary team meetings

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